Monday, February 21, 2011

216 Pampers Diapers for $10.10

So is already changing the diaper buying game with their 30% off offers via Amazon Mom and Subscribe & Save (details on that below) now they are making their deals even sweeter with coupons in popular Baby Magazines!

This is what they look like:

Here is where these coupons have been seen (and they type of coupon in their most recent issue):

BabyTalk Magazine (free subscription) 20% off Diapers

American Baby (free subscription) 20% off Diapers

Fit Pregnancy 20% off Diapers

Parents $10 off anything Baby Store

Parenting the Early Years - not sure on this one right now.

So how do you get these coupons? Buy the magazines? Is it worth it to spend $3 on a magazine to get a $10 coupon?

For me I went again via amazon and subscribed Parents Magazine is currently $12 for 3 years so even if you get 2 of the $10 coupons the magazine pays for itself! I also went to the HERE to get the free issues of AmericanBaby and HERE for the free issues of Baby Talk Magazine.

Additionally my OB/GYNs office carries STACKS of the American Baby magazine (it's free there too) so I asked a receptionist if I could take a few and she said "take the whole stack we have plenty" (I only took 6 mostly because the 20% off coupon in the Feb issue expires at the end of Feb). I also checked inside of some of the other pregnancy magazines in the Dr's waiting room and tore out the coupons from there (yes I asked first, and the receptionist was like, sure we just throw them out... lol)! I am sure you could find the same thing inside magazines in the pediatrician offices, so be sure to check! If you plan to purchase the magazines @ a store (like Barnes and Noble) be sure to check that the coupon is inside because I have read online where less than savory moms are stealing the coupons from there without purchasing the magazines!

So once you have the 20% off coupon and the $10 off coupons in hand here's what to do!!

Step #1- Sign up for Amazon Mom & Subscribe and Save (directions under this link: )

Step #2- Visit the DIAPERS link on Amazon: (these are for Size 1 Pampers, but the coupon combonation will work on ANY Brand or Size) notice that if you do a 1 time purchase the price for the box would be $40.20 for the box (which is already $3 less than the Wal-mart price)

Step #3- From the box on the top left choose the Subscribe and Save option this takes 15% off and the Amazon Mom account you activated earlier takes an additional 15% off (a total deduction of -$12.06) for a new TOTAL OF $28.14 (be sure to choose delivery every 6 months option)

Step #4- Click Yellow SUBSCRIBE NOW button which will take you to account login or Review Purchase page.

Step #5- On the right hand side of the confirmation page where it asks: Do you have any gift cards or promotional claim codes? Enter your 20% off code from American Baby Magazine and click apply. The 20% code deducts -$8.04 making the new total $20.10.

Step #6- In the same box you used for the 20% off code you need to enter the $10 off code you got from Parents magazine. This code deducts -$10 making the new total $10.10!!

Step #7- Make sure your final price for 1 box of the diapers is $10.10, Make sure your address is correct and that you have chosen Delivery Every 6 months then click the SIGN ME UP button to finalize your purchase.

Step#8- After your delivery arrives (you get free 2 day shipping with Amazon Mom) log into your amazon account, Click MY ACCOUNT then click Manage Subscribe and Save Orders- Find the Diaper Order and Click Cancel My Subscription so you will not be recharged for it in 6 months!

Now the coupon codes from the magazines can only be used 1 time per account so if you plan to buy lots of boxes you may need to start up multipule Amazon Mom accounts via different email addresses. Once your order arrive just log back in, after you cancel the S&S Click Manage Amazon Mom Membership and click Cancel!

So in Summary: For Pampers Size 1 Swaddlers 216 count found at this link:

If you were to buy that box as a one-time purchase it would be- $40.20 (which is already a savings of $3 from the current price)

The subscribe and save discount takes off 30% (deducting -$12.06) making the total $28.14

Applying the 20% off coupon takes off 20% (deducting -$8.04) making the total $20.10

Then using the $10 coupon takes off $10 making the FINAL TOTAL $10.10 (that equals .04 a diaper)

Hope that is easy enough to understand! Happy Bargain Hunting!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

720 Pampers Wipes for $11.50!

I am such a deal hunting junkie!

And there is a GREAT deal on Amazon right now- It was active earlier in the week and is just now back in stock!!

The deal is for Pampers Soft Care Scented Wipes, 720 Count for a final price of $11.51 that is less than .02 per wipe (actually 0.015 each if you want to do the math)

I've tried to break it down so those of you who haven't used the Amazon Mom discounts before can figure it all out!

Step #1- Sign up for Amazon Mom & Subscribe and Save (directions under this link: )

Step #2- Visit Wipes link on Amazon: notice that if you do a 1 time purchase the price for the box would be $19.19 for the box

Step #3- Choose the Subscribe and Save option this takes 15%off and the Amazon Mom account you activated earlier takes an additional 15% off for a TOTAL OF $13.43 (be sure to choose delivery every 6 months option)

Step #4- Click Yellow SUBSCRIBE NOW button which will take you to account login or Review Purchase page.

Step #5- On the right hand side of the confirmation page where it asks: Do you have any gift cards or promotional claim codes? Enter code: MOMWIPES to take another 10% off

Step #6- Make sure your final price for 1 box if the wipes is $11.51, Make sure your address is correct and that you have chosen Delivery Every 6 months then click the SIGN ME UP button to finalize your purchase.

Step#7- After your delivery arrives (you get free 2 day shipping with Amazon Mom) log into your amazon account, Click MY ACCOUNT then click Manage Subscribe and Save Orders- Find the Wipes Order and Click Cancel My Subscription so you will not be recharged for it in 6 months!

Now the coupon code can only be used 1 time per account so if you really want to stock up then I would (and did) buy the MAX amount of packs which is 3 and then follow the same directions- here's the pricing for more than one pack:

1 pack - 720 wipes Final Price $11.51

2 packs - 1440 wipes Final Price $23.03

3 packs - 2160 wipes Final Price $34.54

Hope that is easy enough to understand! Happy Bargain Hunting!

P.S.- If you preferthe UNSCENTED Pampers the price is $14 per 720 via this link:

Monday, February 7, 2011

16 Weeks- That's 4 months!

How far along?: 16 weeks
Total weight gain: Gained 1/2 a pound this week! So total gain is 3 pounds, I think I read the ideal is 5lbs at this point so guess I am right on track...
How big is baby?:
The baby is about the size of an Avocado 4.6 inches, 3.5 oz
Maternity clothes?: Not Yet... But I have moved into "fat" clothes section in the back of my closet.
Sleep?: A little better, my wonderful hubby got me one of those giant "Snoogle" pillows that takes up 1/3 of the bed so I can sleep somewhat on my belly! ♥ Him!
Best moment this week?: Finally announcing my pregnancy and the baby's gender to the world (well at least the Facebook world, lol)
Food cravings?: Cheese!! In any form- shredded on potatoes, melted on french fries or as queso with chips!
Any Baby Movement?: Movement is getting stronger, Val is still trying to feel her wiggles too! Any Labor signs?: No Way!
Belly button in or out?: In.
What I miss: Sushi- though I read THIS article that says it is safe for preggos- so I will ask my Dr. next week at our 17 week appointment!
What I'm looking forward to: Taking Brady to the ultrasound place so he can see his sister!
Personal Milestone: I can see the baby bump growing more and more, hoping I will need maternity clothes soon because I have some cute ones!
Baby Milestone: Tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming.
Me and the Jellybean at 16 Weeks- The bump is growing!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Videos of Baby Juliette

So during our sonogram they took a video and here it is in 4 parts-

Is it a Boy or a Girl??

Baby Juliette Part 2

Baby Juliette Part 3

Baby Juliette Dances **

**A note on the last video- they told us to make a CD with 15 min of music- So I did but there were some extra songs that I wanted to transfer into my car so I added them onto the end of the CD.

The baby was pretty still for the first 15 min even though I had my first non-decaf coffee in 3 months.... But the Tech was still looking around when my "normal" songs ran out and this old school Lauren Hill song started and all of the sudden she sprang to life and was almost moving in time with the music and I thought it was pretty darn cute!