Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Placenta Location & Gender Theory

So while I was surfing the net about the accuracy of the Intelligender test I took last week (not looking like it is more than 50% accurate from the BabyCenter Polls I have read). I came across a post about a scientific study that states the location of you placenta before 10 weeks tells the gender of your baby...

Since I am a sucker for knowing the Jellybean's gender ASAP I looked up the study information... Here is the link to the study:

The gist, for those who don't want to wade through the whole study, is that in a study from 1997-2007 of over 5,000 pregnant women, it was found that:

97.2% of the male fetuses had a chorionic villi/placenta location on the right side of the uterus.

97.5% of female fetuses had a chorionic villi/placenta location to the left of the uterus.

Heres how you read the ultrasound:

If it was a Tansvaginal ultrasound (Actual result, not a mirror image)

If the location of the placenta is on the left of the uterus = girl

If the location of the placenta is on the right of the uterus = boy

If it was an Abdominal ultrasound (Must flip result because it is a mirror image)

If the location of the placenta is on the left of the uterus (must flip, its really on the right) = boy

If the location of the placenta is on the right of the uterus (must flip, its really on the left) = girl

Our Jellybean is on the left side in this Transvaginal Ultrasound which should mean GIRL??

I pulled out Brady's first Ultrasound picture (see Below), and it was correct for him. Looks like almost everyone who was polled the BabyCenter forum I found it on showed that this was correct for their past pregnancies. I'm not going to rely on it to determine gender for me for sure, but I thought it was an interesting theory nonetheless. It's a good way to pass the time. :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

10 Weeks Today!

How far along?: 10 weeks
Total weight gain: About 1 pound (probably from all the eating I did at my favorite Dallas restaurants).
How big is baby?:
According to BabyCenter, the baby is barely the size of a kumquat(?) and is a little over an inch long and weighs less than 1/4 of an ounce.
Maternity clothes?: Not Yet... I found some great deals at the after Christmas sales! Mostly items for Summer (shorts, tops and capris) but it gets hot here early and why not get them now at 70% off since I know I will need them soon!
Sleep?: Better this week since I stopped drinking water 1hr before bed, I wake up thirsty but no more 3 am bathroom trips.
Best moment this week?: Spending time in Dallas with friends and family for Christmas, can't wait for next year when we have our Jellybean crawling around the tree!!
Food cravings?: All of my old Dallas Favorites- Chick-Fil-A, La Madeline, Benihanas, Burger Street- We did a lot of eating in just 4 days!!
Any Baby Movement?: None yet!
Any Labor signs?:
No Way!
Belly button in or out?: In.
What I miss: Having a waist!
What I'm looking forward to: Getting a baby bump!
Personal Milestone: First plane ride with the Jellybean on board, lol. It's much easier to fly with a baby on the inside than with a baby on the outside... You moms know what I mean!
Baby Milestone: He's swallowing fluid and kicking up a storm. Vital organs — including his kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver (now making red blood cells in place of the disappearing yolk sac) — are in place and starting to function, though they'll continue to develop throughout your pregnancy.

Me and the Jellybean at 11weeks- After hitting the gym:

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Intelligender Test... BOY or GIRL?

There's no fun in waiting... At least that's how I see it. And since I'm 95% this will be my last pregnancy I figure I might as well enjoy as much fun pregnancy stuff as I can... Because you can't go peeing in random chemicals for fun when you're not pregnant now can you?

So now it's my turn to try out Intelligender this "just for fun" gender prediction test (yet it claims to be 80% accurate if used perfectly). Since we are a few days before Christmas and home at my parents house I thought it would be a great time to try it out!!

You can take it as early as 10 weeks, but I figure taking at 9 weeks 4 days preggo would be ok... ALL of the tests I have taken so far have pretty much given me a girl result, so I was expecting this to say the same thing...

Here's the Result: Intelligender says BOY!!

It was looking orange (the girl result) up until 9 min and then it changed to green right at the end, the official result is the color at the end of 10 min and it looks green to me... I was surprised since I have been feeling like this Jellybean is a girl but since Val has 4 daughters I think he might be excited about a boy! When I told my mom she acted not surprised because Boys tend to run in our family, guess we shall see in Feb when we get our official gender scan!

Monday, December 20, 2010

We got to see the Jellybean Today!!

Today was our first OB appointment with Dr. Spoon! (I am 9weeks and 1 day pregant) After finishing the usual 6lbs of paperwork his nurse Hazel took us back to his office and we waited to speak with him. I must say it was nice to sit in a real office in comfortable club chairs for the first meeting with a doctor instead of in an exam room sitting on that crinkly paper (more on my fear of that later) wearing nothing but an exam gown.

The doctor came in introduced himself to Val and I and was just a likeable guy, easy going, cracking jokes all while getting to know Val and me and asking about our family health background and my pregnancy with Brady. We chatted for at least 10min and again it was so refreshing not to be rushed through like with some other doctors!

After the interview portion of the appointment was over (and the scores were tallied, lol) the nurse took all my vital info, normal B/P, postive HCG urine test, and no weight gain so far (yea!) she took us back to one of the exam rooms. Now anyone who knows me, knows I HATE the crinkly butcher paper they make you sit on at the doctors office. But I sat on it, and every move I made = a crinkle sound but soon the doctor came in did the exam and then we went into the Ultrasound Room...

Where we got to see this!!

Jellybean Johnson's first pictures!! I'll admit I did cry a little when we saw the heartbeat (a super fast 179) and knew everything was looking healthy and fine! He/She really does look like a Jellybean in the first picture, lol. Can't wait to go to Dallas tomorrow and show these to my parents!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

9 Weeks Today!

How far along?: 12 weeks
Total weight gain: About 1 pound.
How big is baby?:
According to BabyCenter, the baby is about the size of a lime- just over 2 inches long and weighs half an ounce.
Maternity clothes?: Not Yet... They are hanging in the closet waiting for me to "pop"
Sleep?: Better this week since I stopped drinking water 1hr before bed, I wake up thirsty but no more 3 am bathroom trips.
Best moment this week?: Starting to buy baby items! I signed up on "Amazon Mom" and am getting a delivery of diapers and wipes each month at prices lower than Costco. This way we will always have a stockpile on hand!
Food cravings?: Baked Potatoes!! I ate 4 in one day on Friday, lol. With tons of salt, butter and cheese of course- now that I think about it maybe I am craving Butter and Cheese and the potato is just a vehicle to get me the good stuff!
Any Baby Movement?: None yet!
Any Labor signs?:
No Way!
Belly button in or out?: In.
What I miss: Having a waist!
What I'm looking forward to: Getting a baby bump!
Personal Milestone: 12 weeks is considered the "safe" point to share the news with family and friends but we are going to wait till our next OB appointment at 13 weeks to do that!
Baby Milestone: Your baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, his toes will curl, his eye muscles will clench, and his mouth will make sucking movements. In fact, if you prod your abdomen, your baby will squirm in response, although you won't be able to feel it.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

8 weeks Today!

How far along?: 12 weeks
Total weight gain: About 1 pound.
How big is baby?:
According to BabyCenter, the baby is about the size of a lime- just over 2 inches long and weighs half an ounce.
Maternity clothes?: Not Yet... They are hanging in the closet waiting for me to "pop"
Sleep?: Better this week since I stopped drinking water 1hr before bed, I wake up thirsty but no more 3 am bathroom trips.
Best moment this week?: Starting to buy baby items! I signed up on "Amazon Mom" and am getting a delivery of diapers and wipes each month at prices lower than Costco. This way we will always have a stockpile on hand!
Food cravings?: Baked Potatoes!! I ate 4 in one day on Friday, lol. With tons of salt, butter and cheese of course- now that I think about it maybe I am craving Butter and Cheese and the potato is just a vehicle to get me the good stuff!
Any Baby Movement?: None yet!
Any Labor signs?:
No Way!
Belly button in or out?: In.
What I miss: Having a waist!
What I'm looking forward to: Getting a baby bump!
Personal Milestone: 12 weeks is considered the "safe" point to share the news with family and friends but we are going to wait till our next OB appointment at 13 weeks to do that!
Baby Milestone: Your baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, his toes will curl, his eye muscles will clench, and his mouth will make sucking movements. In fact, if you prod your abdomen, your baby will squirm in response, although you won't be able to feel it.