Monday, December 20, 2010

We got to see the Jellybean Today!!

Today was our first OB appointment with Dr. Spoon! (I am 9weeks and 1 day pregant) After finishing the usual 6lbs of paperwork his nurse Hazel took us back to his office and we waited to speak with him. I must say it was nice to sit in a real office in comfortable club chairs for the first meeting with a doctor instead of in an exam room sitting on that crinkly paper (more on my fear of that later) wearing nothing but an exam gown.

The doctor came in introduced himself to Val and I and was just a likeable guy, easy going, cracking jokes all while getting to know Val and me and asking about our family health background and my pregnancy with Brady. We chatted for at least 10min and again it was so refreshing not to be rushed through like with some other doctors!

After the interview portion of the appointment was over (and the scores were tallied, lol) the nurse took all my vital info, normal B/P, postive HCG urine test, and no weight gain so far (yea!) she took us back to one of the exam rooms. Now anyone who knows me, knows I HATE the crinkly butcher paper they make you sit on at the doctors office. But I sat on it, and every move I made = a crinkle sound but soon the doctor came in did the exam and then we went into the Ultrasound Room...

Where we got to see this!!

Jellybean Johnson's first pictures!! I'll admit I did cry a little when we saw the heartbeat (a super fast 179) and knew everything was looking healthy and fine! He/She really does look like a Jellybean in the first picture, lol. Can't wait to go to Dallas tomorrow and show these to my parents!

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