Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Placenta Location & Gender Theory

So while I was surfing the net about the accuracy of the Intelligender test I took last week (not looking like it is more than 50% accurate from the BabyCenter Polls I have read). I came across a post about a scientific study that states the location of you placenta before 10 weeks tells the gender of your baby...

Since I am a sucker for knowing the Jellybean's gender ASAP I looked up the study information... Here is the link to the study:

The gist, for those who don't want to wade through the whole study, is that in a study from 1997-2007 of over 5,000 pregnant women, it was found that:

97.2% of the male fetuses had a chorionic villi/placenta location on the right side of the uterus.

97.5% of female fetuses had a chorionic villi/placenta location to the left of the uterus.

Heres how you read the ultrasound:

If it was a Tansvaginal ultrasound (Actual result, not a mirror image)

If the location of the placenta is on the left of the uterus = girl

If the location of the placenta is on the right of the uterus = boy

If it was an Abdominal ultrasound (Must flip result because it is a mirror image)

If the location of the placenta is on the left of the uterus (must flip, its really on the right) = boy

If the location of the placenta is on the right of the uterus (must flip, its really on the left) = girl

Our Jellybean is on the left side in this Transvaginal Ultrasound which should mean GIRL??

I pulled out Brady's first Ultrasound picture (see Below), and it was correct for him. Looks like almost everyone who was polled the BabyCenter forum I found it on showed that this was correct for their past pregnancies. I'm not going to rely on it to determine gender for me for sure, but I thought it was an interesting theory nonetheless. It's a good way to pass the time. :)

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