Monday, January 31, 2011

ALL the Gender Predictors were......

ALL of the Gender Predictors were............


IT's a GIRL!!!
Here's a link to the u/s video-

Placenta Placement Theory: On The Left (TransV) = GIRL Baby Heartbeat Predictor: Over 140bpm = GIRL
babybpm fetal heart rate gender predictor

PH Pee Test: Acidic = Girl
Best Baby Predictor: Green Result = GIRL
Penny Test: Stuck to the Wall = GIRL
Wedding Ring Test: Went in Circle = GIRL

Draino Test
: Aqua/Green = GIRL

Native American Hairline Test: Brady's Hairline pointy = GIRL

Cabbage Test: Turned Purple = GIRL

Chinese Gender Calendar : Lunar Age 30 @ Conception Month 10 = GIRL
13 Week Nub "Angle of the Dangle" : Paralell/less than 30* = GIRL

THE ONLY TEST THAT WAS WRONG: Intelligender! (But I took it at 9 weeks 4 days and you are supposed to be at least 10 weeks, so I will give them a break and claim that to be user error... It wasn't worth another $30 to retest!!


  1. Ugh! I wish I had known about your blog before hand! I would have loved to have done these tests just for fun and to see how accurate they were. My ultrasound is tomorrow so I'll know at 11:30am (YAY!) but this was a GREAT blog post! Thanks for sharing it.

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