Thursday, January 20, 2011

Gender Prediction For the Week!

This one is Super Cool!! The native American Hairline Test

From the My Little Monkeys Blog-
I have found the secret to baby gender prediction, though. It has worked for me every single time, and it's worked on everyone I know. I have a blogger friend that asked us to guess what she was having before she went in for her ultrasound. With one answer to one question, I was able to acurately predict what she was having.

I suppose you want to know the secret, right? Hmmm...... maybe I should consider selling it for $30. :) I'd be rich!

All right, all right. I'll share my secret with you. BUT, it only works if you already have a child. If this is your first baby, I'm sorry, but I can't help you. I have yet to figure out how to determine the sex of the first baby. But, if this is your second, third, fourth, or even fourteenth child, I'll bet I can predict what you're having.

If this is your second child, look at the back of the neck of your first born. Does the hairline across the back of the neck go straight across, or come to a point? If the hairline goes straight across, your baby will be the same gender that your first born is. So, if your first born is a boy, you'll be having another boy. If the hairline goes to a point, your baby will be the opposite gender of what your firstborn is. So, if your first born is a boy, you'll be having a girl!

It's that easy!

And, just to prove I'm not joking, here are the hairlines of my first 4 kids:





Notice that Ashley's is a point. That meant we would have a boy next. We did. Zander's hairline is straight across, which meant we'd have another boy. We did. Jace's hair comes to a point, which meant we'd be blessed with another girl. Which we were. And, Lucy's hair also came to a point which meant that we'd have a little boy next. It was right, and we had Parker. Parker's hair also comes to a point, so if we were to have another baby, it looks like it would be another girl.

I learned this secret from a friend when I was pregnant with Jace. Apparently it's an old Native American legend, and that's how they predicted what the next baby would be in the tribe. Amazing, isn't it?

Now, go check your kids and tell me if I'm right. So far I have a 100% prediction rating. If it doesn't work for you, let me know!I'd like to know if the legend doesn't hold true all the time.

Here is Brady's Hairline:

Clearly it comes to a point so that means: GIRL!!! We shall see at the end of the month!


  1. So how does it work if the children are half-siblings? Do you look at the hair of the father's first child or the mother's first child to see what their child would be?

  2. Okay, so my oldest is a boy, his hair comes to a point. The next was a girl, so that was right. Her's comes to a point, so does that mean another girl since it would be the opposite of the first born?.....

    I have 4 kids, so I'm trying to make sure I got it right.
    First-born : Boy, point
    Second: Girl, point
    Third: Girl, point (opposite of firstborn, but by your photos of your kids she should have been a boy?)
    Fourth: Girl, strait (same question as above, shouldn't she have been a boy?)
    Pregnant with 5th right now, so we will see....

  3. All my children have straight hairlines but I had Boy, Girl, Boy (all same parents) so it didn't work for me.
