Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Super Shopping Nursery Bargains!!

I am a huge bargain shopper and have no problems searching garage sales, resale shops, and goodwill for amazing deals on items I can re-purpose or impove...

Here are a few of the bargains I found for the Nursery that give it an expensive look for less!!

#1- Curtains!
I found these at Goodwill for $5

I did spend $10 having them dry cleaned but for $15 they gave me the perfect color combo and look that I wanted!

I also found a rod at a garage sale for $5 that I spray painted and added bishop end caps from BBB that were $7 for the set. I just couldn't decide how to tie them back:

I ended up adding tying them in the middle and adding bows (shocking I know)-

Finished look:

#2- Dresser accessories!

I came across this collection at my local Michael's that just happened to fit perfectly into my Parisian Poodles theme!

Even better the whole collection was on clearance at 75% off so I went from store to store to see if they had the items in their beautiful display:

Store #1 Haul (Total spent $8.64)

Store #2 Haul (Total spent $12.30)

I hung the birdcage in the corner of the room and added some ceramic birds also from Michael's-

I used the "books" and ceramic crown on the dresser-

I used some of the metal tins to store things on the diaper changing table-

Bargain #3 is actually in the picture above it's the wrought iron dress form from Ross that was $19.99!!

That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing! Want to come and design my Little Man's room?
